Tuesday, March 22, 2011

People Equal Profit

People Equal ProfitCommerce is a funny thing sometimes… Our country has been a world-leader in commerce for centuries and until the recent/current recession, it seemed we, as a country, could do little wrong. This mindset is one of arrogance and strays badly from what is the core of successful commerce: PEOPLE. I am by no means perfect and am just as guilty of this “arrogance” and losing sight of what moves successful businesses down the road to profitability, but I will say that I am extremely fortunate to have a wonderful collection of family and friends that have supported me over the years and encouraged me not to stray too far from the right path, which always reverts back to what everyone (including myself) should always keep in mind: “Take care of your people.”

A company I recently ran across along with their marketing arm are companies that I sincerely believe to hold these values to heart. While listening to my friend take time away from her busy family schedule educating me (on a Saturday morning no less) and opening up more doors up for me than she will ever know, I began to believe in what she was saying because, quite frankly, it all made perfect sense and has been done before.

Our country is no stranger to deregulation (airlines, phones, etc.) or companies profiting from this, which is the exact business model for this company. Apparently they are pretty good at it too boasting Annual Revenue of $900 million in a recent press release.

Numbers are a vital cog in successful business, as you all know. Simply put you can’t make quality acquisitions without established revenue stream(s), but this company has this in place and is only in the infant stage of the deregulation life cycle. From researching the Company, I found that they generate sales the old-fashioned “hands-on” approach of direct selling, which is, in my humble opinion, the best way to sell a “real” product.

Always take care of your people though, and I believe this company to be a good-standing member in this evaporating group so, with only four states signed up and more on the way I/we can only hope things continue to go well for solid businesses like these companies.

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